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Monday, July 8, 2013

Ga coffins: Snowman, Icecream & Choclate bar

Olaf Breuning a young Swiss artist commissioned three full sized coffins. He and Adam Sutherland the Curator of Grizedale Arts, UK who funded Olaf's coffins came to Ghana to see the works in progress.

Olaf ordered three designs - a chocolate bar, a snowman and an icecream - a "melting" theme he explained. He emailed us a sketch of his ideas and the carpenters started work... see the photos below for the rest of the story.
The snowman being fitted with his carrot ears

     Lining up pieces of chocolate bar

Here's the lid of the icecream

And this is the finished piece before painting

Olaf checks out the painted icecream

Olaf's coffins caused quite a stir in the neighbourhood

Olaf's three "melting" coffins

Olaf's team filming

 Time to move on - the snowman on his way out 

Find out more about Ga Coffins from this book or order your own coffin or thematic chest from the eShopAfrica.com online shop:

Going into Darkness: Fantastic Coffins from Africa

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