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Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Philippe Lespinasse documentry about Ga coffins is out!!

At eShopAfrica office with me!!!

The French film maker Philippe Lespinasse was in Accra last year to film
a documentry about the Ga fantasy coffins of Ghana. He was very interested,among others, in the "Empire State building" coffin designed by Eric for Sarah Murray who is writing a book on the same issue. Read more about it in www.eshopafrica.com.
The film is out, we have just received our complimentry DVD.

In this picture we were visiting Eric, Philippe(orange batik shirt) and his crew.

It was a day!!

Monday, March 8, 2010

International Womens day!!

Hi Women of the world..
congrats for the acheivements we had since the beginning of last century..that was great...but not the end of the line, there is still more to do...Poverty the world's poorest people are women. Health millions of women die during pregnancy or at giving birth in developing world. Slavery still women are discovered in domestic slavery every year. Sexual violence and forced marriages still prevails.
Let us make sure that the UN theme for this year "Equal rights, equal opportunities: Progress for all" should acheive its goals..it is our duty to make it happen..Yes we will ...

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Graduation Kente stoles


Graduate with pride this year wearing our special
Class of Year Kente strip.
We can personalize any of these items with lettering patterns
and colour of your choice,
weaving a personalised kente strip
makes a unique memento of the occasion

We are next to the Artisans!!!!