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Thursday, November 24, 2005

Gallery: Out & About: Kofridua Bead Market

Kofridua Bead Market

Kofridua is a regional town about an hour outside of Accra. It's famous for it's weekly bead market that draws bead buyers and sellers from all over the region. Some of these photographs were used in an article by Cordelia Salter , founder and webmaster of eShopAfrica that was published in BBC Focus On Africa Magazine Jan-Mar 2005 edition.

Sprawling under the shade of the great tree in the Kofridua market place, every Thursday bead buyers and sellers meet.

You can find all kinds of beads like these glass beads that look like strands of coloured hair.


It's a social occasion too - people come to meet with their friends and to catch up on the news - as well as to buy and sell beads.

The beads are displayed to tempt you to buy like these coloured
glass beads  made from recycled glass.


Beads of every type and colour - these beads are made from hand painted glass and many of them copy the designs of antique mille fiori made in Venice and brought to Africa as trade beads.

 This is one of the ladies in the market who has her selection of beads for sale laid out on a big tray.

If you ever get the chance you shouldn't miss a visit to the Kofridua bead market - you would never imagine that there could be so many different types of bead.