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Friday, February 28, 2003

Media: BBC: African crafts go online

This article about eShopAfrica.com was published on the BBC website:


Order your own Ga chest from the eShopAfrica.com online shop:

Find out more in this book:

Feedback: Website: Milton Chikere Ezeh, UK

I read about your site on the BBC web site, and I am writing to congratulate you on a great effort and also wish you well in your operations. Thank you.

Feedback: Website: Brian Kuzdas, South Africa

I'm very happy I have found your web site. I see that eshopAfrica sells a number of high quality items made in the traditional fashion. I'm happy to see this. Thank you so much.

Feedback: Website: John Arnold, Finland

I read about your website in the BBC site. Great idea, I wish you good luck and God's blessing. Regards.

Wednesday, February 26, 2003

Feedback: Website: Farah Eshetu, US

I just read an article about eshopafrica and I just wanted to let you know that it makes me so very happy to see someone doing the right thing! I live in Los Angeles, Ca and I am going to email the link to all my friends and colleagues! You have an advertiser on your side here! Thanks for the inspiration

Feedback: Website: Uche Onyema

Congratulations! I would like to say well done for starting this project. Africa needs all the help we can give. Well done!

Feedback: Website: Aleta Armstrong, Finland

    Great idea! I just read the article on your idea and saw the site...it looks wonderful!

Feedback: Website: Per Thomson, Denmark

Great to finally see the www being used to the benefit of those unfortunate.

Feedback: Website: John Grierson

Great site. I especially liked the red pepper chest (simple, unique, compact, dramatic).

Feedback: Website: Tim Crilly

Congratulations on the web site. It may not be as flashy as some sites in the west but it is easy to browse and informative.

Feedback: Website: James Nickson, US

   Regarding your effort to get crafts to people without middlemen, WELL DONE!

Sunday, February 23, 2003

Feedback: Textiles: Vanessa & Francesco, Edinburgh, UK

Many thanks - we received the mudcloths this morning and we like them very much! We will definitely buy some for our shop as well!

Friday, February 21, 2003

Feedback: Website: Christine Compton, UK

Just wanted so say good luck!  I have just read about you on the BBC News website and I just wanted to say I applaud what you are doing and wish you all the luck in the world, now and in the future. There IS hope for a better world, and people like you bring it closer, quicker.

Feedback: Website: Gerry Kilby, Ireland

Love the site and love what you are trying to do. 

Feedback: Website: Harriet D Peters, UK

I am a West African living abroad and I read about this eshop on BBC online news. I have looked at the site and I must say thumbs up. May God continue to bless you all as you strive to make things better for the poor Africans.

Feedback: Website: Patricia Thomas

I plan to email everyone I know about your web site. What a great resource!

Feedback: Website: Kwesi Folson, US

I wish to commend you on your effort after reading the piece on BBC. This is practical and has meaningful targets.

Monday, February 3, 2003

Media: BBC: African crafts go online

Traditional African craftsmen are starting to sell their wares to collectors on the other side of the globe, thanks to...