I read about your site on the BBC web site, and I am writing to congratulate you on a great effort and also wish you well in your operations. Thank you.
I'm very happy I have found your web site. I see that eshopAfrica sells a number of high quality items made in the traditional fashion. I'm happy to see this. Thank you so much.
I just read an article about eshopafrica and I just wanted to let you know that it makes me so very happy to see someone doing the right thing! I live in Los Angeles, Ca and I am going to email the link to all my friends and colleagues! You have an advertiser on your side here! Thanks for the inspiration
Just wanted so say good luck! I have just read about you on the BBC News website and I just wanted to say I applaud what you are doing and wish you all the luck in the world, now and in the future. There IS hope for a better world, and people like you bring it closer, quicker.
I am a West African living abroad and I read about this eshop on BBC online news. I have looked at the site and I must say thumbs up. May God continue to bless you all as you strive to make things better for the poor Africans.
This is the blog of eShopAfrica.com, an ecommerce website based in Ghana, West Africa. We are a social business creating sustainable businesses for traditional African artisans. See their products now.